Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I thought dear hubby was sleeping in this morning so I quietly shut our bedroom door and got the girls some breakfast. When he finally came out to greet the world he says, "God knows its scary to be us."
"That's what Beth Moore says."
"You've been in bed watching Beth Moore on TV?"
"Yep! Why don't guys watch her more?"


  1. LOVE IT!!!
    The last time I did the Daniel bible study I missed the intro session so I had to watch it at home. My husband watched some of it and really enjoyed it! He still loves the phrase from the intro to Daniel in which Beth quotes Melissa... "I'm dumber now!"

  2. That's too funny! My hubs "stole" my So Long, Insecurity book and I haven't been able to pry it away from him to read it yet. He's really enjoyed it. (Okay, to tell the truth I don't know if I would've found time to read it yet anyway, but it makes for a good story!)

    Happy Easter to you and yours, Jody. He is risen!

