Thursday, April 1, 2010

It's Gone

Well, we didn't make it to Easter Sunday for a whole anniversary of our first tooth. First tooth in, first tooth out. It only took 6 years almost to the day! Mercy. We surely aren't proud at all! Praise the Lord she didn't swallow it.
And the Tooth Fairy would like to officially apologize to anyone whose children are about to loose their teeth and are friends of Rachel. I'm quite sure she'll be telling them how she wrote the tooth fairy a letter in advance of loosing her tooth requesting a Zhu-Zhu pet instead of money as it just wasn't fair that her baby sister got a Zhu-Zhu pet from Nannie and Papa when she doesn't even know what one is and Rachel has been wanting one for just ever. The Tooth Fairy apologizes for the chaos this is going to cause. And says it really isn't her fault and everyone is to blame it on Rachel's Nannie instead.

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