Thursday, March 25, 2010

Education and Responsibility

Did you know that I "write" for another blog as well as this one? See that line over there on the right? The one under "Blogs and Sites of Interest" that says, "Caroline's Promise News"? Well, my good friend and her husband began Caroline's Promise six years ago, after adopting their daughter Caroline from Guatemala. It is a fantastic non-profit that not only educates and promotes the cause of the orphan but also awards grants to adopting families. Because my friend Lisa is so busy as the director of Caroline's Promise, (along with being a mom, a wife, daughter, friend, etc.) we've worked out this great system where I get to help with the blog! See how I put "write" in quotations at the beginning of this paragraph? That's because sometimes I truly write for the CP blog, but most times Lisa sends me links, pieces of articles or bios and I "spruce them up", send them back to her for approval and then publish them. That way, she still gets to see and approve everything before it gets published without having to put in time that she needs to use elsewhere. Its an excellent team, I think.
Anyway, I write all that to say this. Last week I wrote an article for the CP blog about some disturbing news regarding the World Cup this year. Its in South Africa. It has been on my heart ever since I posted and I feel so strongly about it, that I am linking you to that post here. Please go read it. Pray about it. See if God would have you involved in some way. Perhaps just praying. Perhaps getting educated on the plight of millions of helpless children. Perhaps doing more. But at the very least, go read the article and pray. Please? Pretty please?
(The reason I am keeping the nature of the article a bit ambiguous will become abundantly clear when you read it. I'm all about some discretion as well as education.)
As a privileged society (not to mention the children of God!) we have a responsibility to not only be educated on what happens to "the least of these" but to do something about it. What you do is going to look different than what I feel called to do. Right now I feel called to assist Caroline's Promise through the blog and pray for orphans and widows. For you it might (and probably will!) look completely different.
I have never spoken of my involvement with Caroline's Promise on this blog before and my reason for doing so now is because of the heavy burden I feel toward those helpless and without hope. We CAN do something. We can help. WE can pray. We can become educated about their plight and take action steps against the atrocities that besiege them on a DAILY BASIS. Friends, we can do something. We need to be doing something. Now that we know...what are we going to do?

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