Saturday, November 3, 2012

It's All About Him

Charlotte Bronte once said, "I try to avoid looking forward or backward, and try to keep looking upward."

What does it take to walk in daily faith? What kind of encouragement is needed? Perhaps the kind that avoids looking forward or backward and focuses on looking upward.

For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to Him be the glory forever! Amen. Romans 11:36

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Just In Time To Choose - Part Two

Otherwise entitled: Choosing Not

Yesterday's post was a bit tough, no? A bit, rough around the edges? My apologies....the enemy had me in my fighting stance and it came out through my fingertips.

Today's post is for those of us in mourning, just trying to get through this day meant to celebrate moms:

I think of my sweet friend, whose mom went to be with the Lord not two months ago....
I think of the college-brothers who thought they had their mom back, only to learn that the disease of alcoholism won this last round....
I think of the new mom, who just gave birth to her still-born baby girl.....

Sometimes it's not an issue of pride that prevents us from celebrating...sometimes, we just have nothing left to celebrate. Not this year...not this time...not so soon...

And to us who mourn so deep we can't fake it....

Feel free to choose not to:
Not fake it
Not celebrate
Maybe not get out of bed today
Not deny the need for healing that marks a gaping wound of loss....

You don't have to be strong today....Just rest.

Your heavenly Father loves you, saves your every tear, and hurts with your pain.... Do you remember in the Chronicles of Narnia book, The Magician's Nephew? The little boy's mother was sick and he had a chance to heal her, but by means that Aslan had not approved. The boy gave up his chance and trusted Aslan instead...this is what it says:

"Up until then he (the nephew) had been looking at the Lion's great feet and the huge claws on them; now in his despair, he looked up at its face. What he saw surprised him as much as anything in his whole life. For the tawny face was bent down near his own and (wonder of wonders) great shining tears stood in the Lion's eyes. They were such big, bright tears compared with Digory's own that for a moment he felt as if the Lion must really be sorrier about his mother than he was himself. "My son, my son," said Aslan. "I know. Grief is great. Only you and I in this land know that yet. Let us be good to one another." " The Magician's Nephew (p.83), C.S. Lewis

Sweet friends, your pain is great for our heavenly Father...He knows grief...He knows....Let Him be good to you in this hard in His love, especially in that raw place of reality where celebrating is not part of the equation's okay....He knows...

Give yourself permission to not, so that someday you can with joy....

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Just In Time To Choose

Mother's Day. It's tomorrow, just in case you missed that any holiday it has all the potential of being wonderful. Or horrible. Anticipated with joy or with angst.

A group of women just this week spent time courageously being vulnerable about the reality of Mother's Day, with all the heavy weight of expectations and fears that are attached. It was a healthy, good conversation. It ended with God's truth, which is always a fabulous way to end any emotionally-charged conversation.

Whether you are excited about this one, mourning the loss of a mom-figure and wondering what's the point of this one, worrying about how you are going to make it through this one....

The enemy doesn't play fair. If he cannot make you fall away he will distract with you pride. Think this doesn't apply to you? If we are honest, pride is at the root of most of our issues...being misunderstood, overlooked, treated poorly, not celebrated enough, or in the right way....

But we have a choice....and we are just in time to choose....God didn't take the way of recognition, and we shouldn't either...Jesus' way was low, humble, quiet...always entrusting Himself to Him who judges justly....Wives, in the same way, it says in Peter's epistle....and then seven verses later: husbands, in the same way....and then another verse later...all of you....

We all have choice to make...
Our pride or the Lord's way. 
Our rights or the Lord's way.
Our gain or the Lord's way. 

The enemy knows what buttons to push at the precise time for maximum destruction; he doesn't really care and doesn't play fair: he's out to wound us to ineffectiveness....Lord help us and have mercy….

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

100 DAY Challenge - And Then They Were Done

Well, would you believe there are only FIVE DAYS left in our 100 DAY Challenge? FIVE DAYS!

Easter Monday will be our 100th day. It seems fitting that our end would be complete on a day we celebrate new life. May this journey have brought you to more abundant living, more real living. Through this process may you have drawn deeper and closer into the One who is life.

Because that's the key: HE IS LIFE.

Whatever we gave up, whatever we added, whatever our challenge was, it wasn't the answer.

Jesus was the answer. More of Him. More of Him, less of us. Less of our self-assertions, self-protection, less of self.

Watchman Nee said that God never gives anything that is not Jesus. We pray for patience, or to be more loving or kind or compassionate...but God always answers with Jesus; bringing a greater revelation of who Jesus is to our hearts, opening our minds to understand in greater depth the magnanimous-ness of Jesus.

And whether this challenge was a success or a failure for you, if it brought you closer to Him, it was worth it.

All of God's promises are "yes and amen" in Christ Jesus.

Do you see it? IN Christ Jesus. No where else. No programs, no agendas, no where else but IN Christ Jesus. He is the "yes" and "Amen" for everything, every need, every one.

While we celebrate His resurrection this Sunday, I trust it will be a sweet and tender time for you, reflecting on the awesome work He did on your behalf. And when Easter Monday comes, I trust you will take some time and allow Him to reflect to you what this 100DAY Challenge has REALLY been about; how it all worked out from His perspective. And whether it was "success" or "struggle" praise Him. Praise Him.

Our worth is not dependent on our works.

Our worth is not dependent on our works.

His finished work on our behalf gives us worth.

"For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "yes" in Christ. And so through Him the "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of God. Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set His seal of ownership on us, and put His Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come." 2 Corinthians 1:20-22

"With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may make you worth of His calling, and that by His power He may bring to fruition your every desire for goodness and your every deed prompted by faith. We pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in Him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ." 2 Thessalonians 1:11,12

Thank your for taking this challenge, this journey with me. If you feel so led, I would love to know what the Lord has taught you through the process.


Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Cinderella is a big hit at our house. So is Belle, Sleeping Beauty, and the rest of them...something about hidden royalty dressed in yesterday's pjs just sits right with my girls. (yesterday's pj's is how my girls wear their princess-ness.) If you ask my 3-year-old her name, she'll tell you with hand on her hip and just a bit of attitude, "Princess Elise Carly Trivette". (and we just don't mention that Elise is really her middle name and not her first name because when "Princess" is not just a title but your NAME, everything else IS in the middle....who cares what order...)

I was thinking about our own the corner of honesty for a moment, my 100DAY resolution has been so long gone I'm not sure I would recognize the back of her got in the way of my resolution....I got in the way of my resolution....why can I not for the LIFE of me just stick a commitment out till it's end? I can do it when it involves someone else in the mix...but when it's a commitment I've made to myself? Well, I give myself the short end of the stick every.single.time.

And here's what came to me this morning with an ugly-cry-heave of emotion lodging itself squarely in my throat....when we continue in the same pattern of slavery-lifestyle that dictated our past, we will never have time, room, or energy to engage in the priorities befitting our new put it another way, when we, as Cinderellas, keep behaving like it's our job to be slave to a lie, we cheat ourselves - even prevent ourselves from fulfilling our royal duties as princesses(who we really are, royalty in Christ)....

God has a call on your life....but it is your choice to take that calling on and live it out. If you do not realize who you are in Christ, and who He is in you, you will forever be in a whirlpool of know you are not as you should be, but what you know you should be doing, you don't do....the epitome of Romans chapter 7. And as my mother always says, "Stop 'shoulding' on yourself."

A devotional I was reading suggested these questions as checks to make sure we are living in a way that mirrors our true identity:
Have we been born again? Then we are of Christ and we can trust His finished work on our behalf.
In whom do we trust? Those who believe in Jesus are the sons (and daughters!) of God.
Whose work are we doing? (This is the one that made me choke on my own inhale) We are sure to serve someone, for whomever we serve is truly our lord.
What company do we keep? If we belong to Jesus, we will fellowship with those who wear the cross. (not literally, necessarily)
What is our conversation? Is it earthly or heavenly?
What have we learned of our Master? for servants learn much from their masters to whom they are apprenticed. If we serve our time with Jesus, it will be said of us, as it was of Peter and John, "They took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus."

In answering these questions we can clearly identify whether we are living like we're still slaves to our old lives, or if we are slaves to the Love that set us free....set us free to live out our "royalty" for the glory of Him Who saved us.....

"I am the resurrection and the life.
Those who believe in me will live, even though they die;
and those who live and believe in me will never die."

John 11:25-26

What is your name? "Oh, I'm just so-and-so's mom, so-and-so's wife, so-and-so's employee..."

No. NO! You are Princess. You are royalty. You are called to a divine inheritance and captured by an extravagant grace.


Monday, March 5, 2012

100 DAY Challenge - Month Three!

Welcome to month three of your 100 Day Challenge. We're on day 65. OVER HALF WAY THERE! Does it seem like you are half way through a goal? Or perhaps feels like you've been doing it forever? Or are you one of the ones who says, "Goal? What goal? Oh THAT? That was like two months ago!"

If you need some recharging, I encourage you to find what you wrote to yourself in the first few days of our 100DAY challenge. Read what you wrote aloud. Slowly. Let your penmanship, your dialect wash over you. REMEMBER. Remember why you felt it was so important. Why 100 DAYS seemed like not enough time, and you secretly wanted to commit to the whole year....remember why you are worth this hard work and change. Remember how the Lord said, "You are not to go back that way again" (He really did! Read Deuteronomy and the story of His precious held-captive children and His reminder that though change is scary, voluntary re-entry to slavery is horrific.)

Remember. Renew your vows. Reflect on what is at stake. Recharge by taking some few moments away with God and ask His Holy Spirit to reveal His truth to you....Only 45 days left. What can you do in 45 days?

What will you do with these 45 days......

Monday, February 13, 2012

100 DAY Challenge - How are you?

Well, we are in month 2 of our 100 day challenge. How are you doing? How is your resolution going? IS it still going?

We've had the winter-crud vandalize our bodies the last three weeks; kids, then husband, then me... all with that long-lasting junk filling our lungs and sinuses....yuck. It made everything else take a back seat. Laundry piled up. Dishes may or may not have been cleaned or put away. Vacuum? Dust? My 100 day challenge? Blog? (insert sigh here) It has been a long three weeks.

So what do you do when the unexpected interrupts your resolutions?

Plan for the unexpected. Make preparations ahead of time for what to do when_____ happens. My resolution revolves around eating choices, and there was a birthday and Valentine's Day and Easter to do I stay committed and not be offensive? How do I keep on track and not weaken my resolve?

We plan to fail when we fail to plan.

Having a line of attack set in our minds for when the unexpected happens, strengthens our resolve and ups our chances for success....

And yet.....(when I was a child, my siblings and I were notorious for saying, "Yeah but!" after everything my parents much so, that we were not allowed to say, "yeah but" anymore. So we changed it to anything that remotely said the same thing. "And yet" became my personal favorite.)

And our resolution only for the sake of success? Of winning? Of saying we made it 100 Days? Or rather is that just a part of the point. But the REAL point is the deepening of our relationship with the One who carries us through the victories and defeats of our lives.

Plan for the unexpected, be what you can do with what you have in the time you are given, and then rest in the loving arms of Him who rides you on the train of His triumph......

Friday, January 27, 2012

How My Readership Hit Zero

Also entitled: My thoughts on political mudslinging:

Political mudslinging has already begun. On TV, social media, behind podiums. Here is my two bits: to anyone mudslinging those who hold positions of power (ESPECIALLY to those who say they are faith-based people doing the mud-slinging): we are called to honor those in authority over us.

God allowed that individual to be in that particular role (whether to truly lead and guide us or to be an example of what happens when we throw God to the way-side).

No one in these positions TRIES to fail. I would imagine that anyone going in to office doesn’t go in thinking, “I’m going to mess things up so bad! I’m going to let everyone who doesn’t like me get a taste of my wrath.” No, I think that in a position of power, one goes in firmly believing that they are putting their best foot forward, that they are going to work really hard and serve the best way they know how. And my guess is, they had no idea what great strain that seat of power holds. Some buckle under that kind of pressure, some rise to the challenge.

Either way, they are a human – just like you and me – no, not even like you and me, better than us, because they had the courage to stand up and do something about what they believe, fought hardships to get where they are, paid a high price to serve –yet a human being. Mortal. And occasionally frail. A human carrying the weight of a country, or a state, or any place of leadership, it’s hard.

Could you do a better job than they? WOULD you? We may not agree with a leader’s political position, moral preferences, or decisions. But they are (most likely) doing the best that they can. We don’t have to agree with them, but we can still respect the position, and honor the man. (or woman) We can share our thoughts and opinions, but can't we do it in a way that doesn't wound the person? Wouldn’t we hope for the same if it was us?

And as people claiming to be followers of Jesus Christ – we have an obligation to the LORD and in keeping of His Word – to honor those in authority over us. It never categorizes that honor by saying, “if they are deemed worthy; if they live up to your hopes for what you think they should be doing”. It just tells us to honor them. And to pray for them.

In these coming politically-charged months, how about if instead of throwing mud at these people, we toss up prayers to heaven on behalf of them. Let the people of faith rise up in a new standard, one of respect, and honor and prayer on behalf of those serving in leadership. And may we all remain humble, so that God will not be opposed to us, but for us. And when He lifts us up in due season, may those we serve be as respectful as we have been in the past.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Get Up!

"Why have you fallen on your face? Get up!"

Those words stood out at me in blaring deafness, not any louder than if they had been audibly shouted at me. I was reading out of the Old Testament book of Joshua, chapter 7. And verse 10 sucked the air out of my lungs. Just a few days after I had written to you that "I had fallen flat on my face." in regards to my 100 DAY Challenge. Here in the pages of Scripture, a way-too-close-for-comfort phrasing of my own words, jumped off the page at me. But let me give you the back story:

They had been called to defeat those who were living in the place God was giving to them. They had one success in removing the opposition. And before the next battle began, they fall. They sin. They disobey. Unaware God has removed His blessing, they enter the next fight and get beaten. Badly. And their leader falls on his face before God, pleading an understanding of what happened, what went wrong.

And God says, "Why have you fallen on your face? {you} cannot stand before your enemies; you will turn your back before them, for you have become accursed. I will not be with you anymore unless you destroy the things in your midst that are under the ban. GET UP. Consecrate the people and say, "consecrate yourselves for tomorrow. For the LORD, the God of Israel has said, "There are things in your midst that are under the ban."'" (this is my own paraphrase, not any particular translation.)

Someone had stolen something. Specifically, whenever the Israelites defeated a nation they were to take nothing for themselves except what the Lord allowed. Most nations were utterly destroyed. But one man kept for his own possession things which God had said were off limits to take. So the entire nation of Israel stands before the LORD, and He identifies the one man who sinned and that one person, his entire family, all his things, and what was stolen - everyone and everything related to this one person - are stoned to death, burned and buried.

Extreme. Violent. Horrific.

God had the Israelites stone, burn and bury their own. Not just the one who sinned, but everyone connected to him. Why? Perhaps because one sweet taste of victory was enough for them to forget what was at stake. They - all 2 million or so of them - were about to enter their Promised Land. After 400 years in captivity, 40 years of wandering, they FINALLY were to enter what was promised.

But they had to clear out the land before they could possess it.

Victory was guaranteed. On one condition. They only had to remain obedient. Not turn back. Not retain old habits, familiar ways. They were to be a chosen people, a holy nation, consecrated- set apart solely for the Lord - and therefore, completely holy. No sin tolerated. No sin. Not once. The extreme consequence - an experience none would soon forget. Nor the promise. Victory is secure IF you remain steadfast on the LORD. His way, always.

Are you seeing some connections to our own situations? We began the 100 DAY Challenge to rid ourselves of some habit, or to retain some desired behavior, that would bless and not curse (us or others). God has promised us freedom and abundant living; our resolutions (I'm assuming) are part of the process in claiming that freedom and that abundant life. But in order to do so, we must rid ourselves of what is not of God. And the stakes are higher than we might imagine.

While God does not command US to stoning, burning and burying entire families for one person's sin - He did allow the preciousness of His very essence - His Son - to be tortured, whipped, stripped, nailed, to die, be buried....for the entire family of Adam who sinned. By our agreement to receive that Sacrifice on behalf of our own required punishment, God demands one thing: all of us. Every part. Laying down the old. Pressing on to the new, to claim in reality the Promised Land already ours spiritually. It is Extreme. It is severe. It is required.

Last week I mentioned that it was okay if you had already messed up your resolutions, if you - like me - had fallen flat on your face. And it is. In Christ, we have complete assurance that all will be well. In our journey on this earth, only what is of Christ will last for eternity. And only He can accomplish that in us. Guaranteed. But what He requires, is an open-handed obedience to Him. An utter dependence on His ability. A resting in His finished work.

And that obedience, dependence and rest cannot happen if you are hiding contraband. It could be chocolate, it could be pornography, it could be someone else's somethings...or it could be what cannot even be seen with the eye: jealousy, hatred, gossip, bitterness, a pain you are refusing to be healed from, a relationship you will not release....whatever that THING is that you decided to work on these 100 days....if you find in this journey you have fallen - on purpose or not - we must do what God asks of us - GET UP. And consecrate ourselves for tomorrow.

"Why have you fallen on your face? Get up! And consecrate yourselves before the LORD. You cannot stand before your enemies until you utterly destroy the things God banned you to have - that you have hidden. Consecrate yourselves for tomorrow."

We must get up. We cannot stop just because we fell. Growth requires progression in a forward manner. Not always movement (because sometimes our greatest spiritual growth is when we rest - just as nature proves with each quiet winter, that rest enables spring to flourish in all it's beauty) but progression.

We must consecrate ourselves. Set ourselves apart. Again. No matter what lies you are hearing in your head, let me just tell you something: You ARE NOT the person you were. You ARE a new creation in Christ. All things ARE new. And what He has already accomplished on your behalf, He will work out in you this present moment. Your actions may not always line up with this truth, but that doesn't mean it still isn't true. Line yourself up with the truth, sweet friend. And do it today.

Do it today....for of these tomorrow's will be a day of reckoning....and don't you know you want to be already set apart and ready for that judgment. Until that reckoning comes though we must remember, that tomorrow His mercies are new again and ready to completely save you, even from yourself. If you have fallen, get up. Remember why you began in the first place. You are WORTH IT to continue this challenge.

'This I recall to my mind, therefore I have hope.

The LORD’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease,

for His compassions never fail.

They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.

‘The LORD is my portion,’ says my soul, ‘Therefore I have hope in Him.’

The LORD is good to those who wait for Him,

to the person who seeks Him.

It is good that he (or she!) waits silently for the salvation of the LORD.'

Lamentations 3:21-23

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

100 DAYS: Week Three

Well friends, I MEANT to blog more than this-once-every-18-days....I smile as I type that because how many of us in our 100 DAY Challenge commitments have already stumbled? How many of us have already fallen flat on our faces? I smile as I ask, because I can quickly answer "yep, that'd be me" to both of the questions.

I have already stumbled in my challenge.

I have already fallen FLAT on my face.

And it's okay.

It's okay! I am glad that I have stumbled if for nothing more than I can tell you - by experience - that it's okay. Walking this journey with you, with dirt on my knees and scrapes on my elbows only let's you know two things: I'm committed to see this thing through, AND I'm giving it all I've got, though not perfectly.

I hope my hiccups on the journey give you permission to admit any of your own, to allow yourself the freedom to make mistakes.

Because, can I share I secret with you?

This 100 DAY Challenge is NOT about committing to a resolution perfectly....

It's about continually entrusting yourself to the One who IS perfect while you focus on this new goal.

The goal is not the point; perfection is not the point. Walking in a closer tandem with God is the point. And perhaps you might share similarity with me; perhaps an effective means to get you to keep pace with the King is to realize you can't take a step without Him: ESPECIALLY when starting something new. Your resolution is important and good; but what you learn about Him and yourself through the process is KEY.

So how ARE you doing? How have the last 18 days been? Share as you feel free to...and keep going. In the words of anyone who has tasted success: Get up. Keep going. The only failure is to stop before you've finished.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Well friends, today is the day! We begin our 100 DAY Challenge. I am excited to partner with you on this adventurous journey. Someone once said, “Failure to plan is planning to fail.” And hopefully, we have not only planned, but planned well. We have chosen ONE thing to focus on; we have covered that one thing in prayer; we have made sure it is measurable and we wrote it down.

Today, as we begin to begin, take a few moments and pray over the next 100 days. Perhaps your prayer could touch on these areas:

  • your desire to succeed AND your knowledge of frailty which only leaves His faithfulness to fill the gap
  • perseverance for the long-haul
  • focus through the distractions
  • you remain in His will through this process
  • your openness for what He has planned, even if its different than what you have planned
  • His will be done, His glory to be made known, others blessed, and you a better YOU.

As you are praying, ask the Lord if there is a particular Bible verse or quote that you can carry with you as inspiration during this journey; something to write on your heart that you can bring to mind through the joy and the struggle. A verse that could become a promise to claim or challenge to pursue. Over the next few days, listen to His voice, pour over His word and see if something stands out to you, and then ask Him if you’ve found what He had in mind. His word is powerful and He sends it out for healing. (Psalm 107:20) Be sure you write your verse down!

And now, here is what I would ask you to do. To remain accountable and to encourage each other, please leave a comment stating your name, where you are from, and your verse or quote. If you would like to share what ONE thing you are focusing on for the next 100 days, please do so, but don’t feel like you have to. I respect your privacy and sometimes, some goals are meant to remain between you and the Lord. I’m sure we all could be blessed by reading the verses or quotes we’ve picked and be encouraged by one another. After you have done that, swing on by to our 100DAY Challenge page on Facebook! Be sure to “Like” it, so you can get instant updates and join the community of fellow-sojourners there!

I’ll go first:

Jody, Greensboro, NC, John 15:16, 17 “You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit-fruit that will last. Then the father will give you whatever you ask in My name. This is my command: Love each other.”

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

100 Days: Prepare

Before we begin our 100 day challenge, a few things:

1) Pick ONE thing you will focus on for 100 days.

Just make it one; us over-zealous, over-achievers may itch to do more, but let's not. Let's pretend we're five years old, just learning how to balance backpack while climbing stairs....let's just do one thing at a time.

2) Pray over that one thing.

You may find that God's preferred choice is not your number one pick; it may not even be on your radar screen...but to ensure success, let's begin with prayer. Let's seek God's best in this, trusting that the One who created us must know what that ONE thing is, that will impact most in 2012, for our best, others' benefit, and His glory.

3) Make sure it's measurable.

Whatever that one thing is you plan to focus on for 100 days, make sure you can measure how you're doing...not that it's the end all, be all, this measuring....but it will become frustrating to you in tracking your progress, if you cannot measure if you've hit the mark or not.

An example of a hard-to-measure-goal would be: "For 100 days, I choose to be especially kind to someone I find difficult to love." How do you measure it? The factors would depend not just on you, but on how the recipient is feeling, behaving, responding.... but a measurable goal would be: "For 100 days, I choose to restrict my comments to that difficult-to-love person to those that are kind, true and necessary." Or, "For 100 days, I choose NOT to say any disparaging remarks to said unlovable person." That is something you can measure.

4) Write it down.

And be ready to write it down daily. If you're not a writer, type it. If you are not a natural tracker, start. By day 45, you'll be so glad you tracked your progress, your consistency. It will show you, in your hand, that you CAN do this. You ARE going to finish strong, because you have proof that you have finished strong every day before....

Are you ready? Sunday is just around the corner....let's prepare well to begin well, so we end well.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Challenge

100 days

What could you do in 100 days?

Resolute a new habit...

Learn a skill...

Achieve a goal...

Beat a record...

What would you do in 100 days?

The 100 day challenge - begin on Sunday....are you up to it?

Monday, June 27, 2011

Not Yet

Last week was a rough week for me. The throws of summer vacation had my schedule all wack. My selfishness was getting poked, prodded, pulled and punched. And I didn’t much like it. I rebelled in anger, that my way wasn’t getting done and I turned into an ugly personality that no one, not even myself, wanted to be around.

Ever not want to be around yourself? Yah, that was me.

Until I got away with the Father…had some quiet moments with the One who knows. I love that Scripture says He is a God who knows….He knows it all, and more, He knows me.

He knows me.

He knows you.

And I sat in His presence and read His words, listened to His Spirit and just cried. And waited for a whisper, if He had one to share….and He did…perhaps just because He knew I wanted one.

“Be still in this refining process. I am preparing you for service in My house and you are not ready. Be still. I have not asked much of you yet.”

“I have not asked much of you yet.”

The frustrations, irritations and exhaustion of the week – all real, all valid – it's weight equals “not much”….I wonder how many of us move through life with a burden we imagine unbearable, though our Father is whispering, “I have not asked much of you yet….”

I say it gently. Even now I think of several who, it seems, from my limited view of the play-by-play, have been asked of much, and who are carrying on in amazing ways.

But what if…oh, dare I say it?….what if, even their seems-so-much, is really still-not-much? Not that it isn’t worth anything, or hasn’t cost them something in the process…

but what if there is more…so much more that Father dreams to ask of us, if only we would stop fidgeting and complaining long enough to hear His whispered request….the “ask” that feels like if we agree, our entire life will be gone…

But oh…isn’t that what we were told from the beginning?

“Now there were some Greeks among those who were going up to worship at the feast, these then came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida of Galilee, and began to ask him saying, “Sir, we wish to see Jesus.”…And Jesus answered them saying, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.  He who loves his life loses it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it to life eternal. If anyone serves Me, he must follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also; if anyone serves me, the Father will honor him.” (John 12:20-26)

From the beginning, He asks of us everything. He asks for our very lives…but He does not force us to make good on the promise, even though He has kept up His end before we’ve even said, “Yes”.

We promise Him all, when we ask Him to be our Savior and our Lord, but we have no clue as to what that really means, how it really plays out…and He is so gentle in the showing us…not demanding too much, too soon…but slowly, so slowly….He reveals to us what it means to have Him save us….daily saving us from ourselves…from the old mindset, the old patterns, the worn-through-with-familiarity-ways…

He dreams big dreams for us….can you imagine what He has in mind for us! If we would only release the hold we have on our lives…our dainty lives and follow Him.

Like the seed…completely encapsulating everything it is destined to be, it remains only a seed until it is planted, as good as dead, and buried, to bring forth something it could never be unless it died….fruit…fruit that will last…..

In Christ, we are everything He ever meant for us to be…but until we lay it all down, reckon ourselves dead, buried in Him and raised to newness of His life…we will never birth all that He has planned for us.

Do you see? If we want to see Jesus, in our life, in our walk, in US…then we must follow Him. Him, not our own agendas, plans, preferences…but Him.

We are all called to service in His house. And the way to serve is to die…to our wants, desires, all that is not of Christ. If we don’t die, we live alone. If we die, we live with Him, bearing much fruit, living the life that is true living…

It sounds okay on paper…the reality of it on my Monday afternoon, Thursday morning, or whatever day I wake and do not renew my mind to His Truth,… it smacks my pride, my flesh, my all that is not of Him….

But what do I want?

I want to see Jesus….

“If anyone serves me, he must follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also.”

That’s what He says.

Can’t I follow Him today? Can you?

He has not asked much of us yet….