Yesterday I posed the question, "What does God's holiness mean to you?"
No response.
And that's okay there was no response; ya'll are quiet folk. You pop over to read, usually not leaving a trace of your existence here...practically invisible. I feel like that most days too, so I get it.
But did you think about it? Did you think about what God's holiness means to you?
Not to whip out a can of melancholy, but my guess is, probably not. And you know why I think not? Because I believe, generally speaking, we don't have time to think about that kind of thing. Our lives are busy. BUSY. We have families and work and meetings and food, and laundry (can I get an Amen!) and cleaning and car trouble and - you name it - and we're trying to fit it into our already jam-packed lives.
Who has time to think about lofty things like God's holiness? Or holy anything? Unless its the new-found pair of hole-y unmentionables that are the ONLY ones you have clean and you are wondering if you can get away with the discomfort of wearing said hole-y things....
Brennan Manning once said, "Spirituality is not one compartment or sphere of life. Rather, it is a lifestyle: the process of life lived with the vision of faith."
I might would go a step further and say that it is not just a lifestyle, but LIFE. We are spiritual beings since we are made in the image of the Spiritual One. You either have the Life (Jesus Christ), or you don't. But I like that he brings out that spirituality is not one compartment or sphere of life. Pondering spiritual things like the holiness of God shouldn't be kept for Sunday morning preaching, or an occasional mid-week Bible class. But its "the process of life lived with the vision of faith."
Vision of faith.
Do you have that?
That's what it takes to begin to comprehend things like, the holiness of God. That, and a well-worn copy of the Good Book. And maybe a few commentaries. A Hebrew/Greek Dictionary....
And I would dare say, having a personal and Biblical grasp of the holiness of God will only enhance your vision of faith, if not set it ablaze.
Ok, I just read your blog and I think the holiness of God is huge. It is what keeps us safe but also corrects us when needed. It is so big like you said the other day that we can't comprehend it. Do you think we will grasp it completely when we get to heaven? More and more every day I'm realizing how great heaven will be. I don't know what God is trying to do in my life right now but I keep hearing the same sermon same words spoken over and over again so I hope he will completely surround me with his holiness so I can see.