So, I've been struggling with my blog...and thought I'd share what's been going on in my brain...see if you have any thoughts...
Most of the blogs I read are lovely, delightful - quite literally, light and airy in content; sweet and witty and funny; the kind of posts that make you sigh with contentment, they are just-that-good.
And then there is me. Melancholic by nature...and I mean almost ALL melancholic with a touch of, serious introvert. Serious. And introvert. My glass isn't half full or half empty. Its the wrong stinkin' size and I might cry over the fact that I can't find the right size cup.
Do you see my dilemma? I am comparing myself to all these lovely, light luscious, delectable blogs (do you know where those exact adjectives came from? If you can, you win a prize!) and I am heavy-duty dark chocolate, 99% cacao in fact, and to be taken in small portions with a very large glass of freezing cold milk.
The realization came to me today that its okay. Its okay that I am 99% cacao in a bloggy world filled with angel's food cake. Because sometimes you are in the mood for the cake, and sometimes you need something else. And perhaps, my blog is that something else. That bit of heavy-duty deep (and probably slightly melancholic) take on life. And God. And faith. And how that all works out on the pavement of our Tuesdays. And Wednesdays. And tomorrow-days. And I don't have to try and fit into the mold of lovely-light-luscious-delectable, because then I wouldn't be me. And there is just one me, you know? I should probably be me, since no one else is going to....
So, as I try and wrap up this never-ending tangent and get my blog back on a more consistent track, I hope you'll stick with me. I hope I'll be that acquired taste of 99% cacao that brings you into a more vibrant love-relationship with Jesus Christ. Because THAT is the point. All this nonsense writing....if just ONE of you, for ONE day, grew even an ounce closer to Jesus because of something you read here...well, I'd probably cry, to be honest with you. But then I would be so happy because the point would have been made. All this, is for the greater glory of God; His glory, shining bright in our every-day-ness, for all the world to see.
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