Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Not Alone

I've been having a hard time lately. Feeling beat-down and worn out. Feeling alone in that feeling. Like everyone else has it together; everyone else is happy; everyone else is a sanguine-phlegmatic who never complains or sees the world as anything but rosy and sunshiny and happy.

The enemy likes to have us think we are alone. Alone in our pain. Alone in our circumstance. Alone in the load we carry.

But we are not alone.


I saw it here and here and here as I read about other normal people having a really hard time. I heard it in two conversations with friends across the continent who just wanted to check and see how I was, and when I checked on how they were, it was as difficult, or harder than my situation.

That reminded me how the enemy would have us think the enemy is what we can see, or whom we can see (who we can see? I never did well in that part of English grammar.). But our fight, is not against what we can see, its against spiritual forces, powers, and THE enemy himself.

And just in case that makes you weary....dear, dear, friend, listen close: YOUR battle is already won. Your BATTLE is already won. Your battle IS already won. Your battle is ALREADY won. Your battle is already WON.

WON. By One. And that "One" wasn't you. It wasn't me.

Our battle was won by our sweet, sweet, precious Savior. Oh how He wants His love to become YOUR reality today. In your pain. In your labor. In your fight. And after having done all, to have you stand. STAND in the victory already won. By One. Who loves you. Who loves me.

We are not alone.

Not alone.


  1. I needed to read this very bad, I have been feeling the same! Thanks for sharing this.

  2. Thanks. You know I'm always crazy and feel that way alot.
