Tuesday, May 4, 2010

To The Silent Plight

The past couple weeks my blog has been very quiet. One of the reasons is because I was busy writing and editing for the Caroline's Promise blog. They had a team in Guyana, South America and were sending pictures and posts almost daily, requiring a lot of my bloggy attention. It was an amazing trip and I encourage you to go over there and check out all the posts.

Friends, we cannot plead ignorance over the plight of our human family living elsewhere. We don't get that luxury. Our world is too small, thanks to electronics and the like, to get away with saying, "Well, we didn't know." This video is just a taste of what the last two weeks have been like for those that went to Guyana. (This video is set to the song Rescue from the Trading my Sorrows, Vertical Momentum album.) Please take a few moments and watch it. As you do, maybe ask God what He might want you to do with your responsibility to the hopeless and helpless.

Prosperity City Partnership from Lisa Holbrook on Vimeo.

(If you are viewing this post in a RSS reader or email you may need to click here to see the video.)

If you would like to read the words to the tribute, I've added them below. They came from an overwhelming burden and desire as I sat at my computer, staring at all the Guyanese faces...a burden to do SOMETHING. The words poured out from my heart; a heart tendered and bruised for the silent plight of millions around the world. MILLIONS my friends....we can do something. What will we do?

A Tribute to Prosperity City, Guyana

A land of many waters
Polluted by the darkness that lingers
As thick as the heat of noon day

Incognito, infiltrating every corner, every space
Until, one day, the strangers came
With clear vision and strong hearts

They brought courage and hope and smiles
A moment of rest in a weary monotony

They speak in the name of a Man
A Man of Living Water
Who is their Hope, the Truth, the Way

Bridging the distance that has always been
Standing in the gap on behalf of the hopeless
Not in pride, but in great humility, serving
Loving, caring, heartbroken

They were not the first
They will not be the last

Making a difference for one
One at a time

For the next generation

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