Saturday, May 12, 2012

Just In Time To Choose

Mother's Day. It's tomorrow, just in case you missed that any holiday it has all the potential of being wonderful. Or horrible. Anticipated with joy or with angst.

A group of women just this week spent time courageously being vulnerable about the reality of Mother's Day, with all the heavy weight of expectations and fears that are attached. It was a healthy, good conversation. It ended with God's truth, which is always a fabulous way to end any emotionally-charged conversation.

Whether you are excited about this one, mourning the loss of a mom-figure and wondering what's the point of this one, worrying about how you are going to make it through this one....

The enemy doesn't play fair. If he cannot make you fall away he will distract with you pride. Think this doesn't apply to you? If we are honest, pride is at the root of most of our issues...being misunderstood, overlooked, treated poorly, not celebrated enough, or in the right way....

But we have a choice....and we are just in time to choose....God didn't take the way of recognition, and we shouldn't either...Jesus' way was low, humble, quiet...always entrusting Himself to Him who judges justly....Wives, in the same way, it says in Peter's epistle....and then seven verses later: husbands, in the same way....and then another verse later...all of you....

We all have choice to make...
Our pride or the Lord's way. 
Our rights or the Lord's way.
Our gain or the Lord's way. 

The enemy knows what buttons to push at the precise time for maximum destruction; he doesn't really care and doesn't play fair: he's out to wound us to ineffectiveness....Lord help us and have mercy….

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