Before we begin our 100 day challenge, a few things:
1) Pick ONE thing you will focus on for 100 days.
Just make it one; us over-zealous, over-achievers may itch to do more, but let's not. Let's pretend we're five years old, just learning how to balance backpack while climbing stairs....let's just do one thing at a time.
2) Pray over that one thing.
You may find that God's preferred choice is not your number one pick; it may not even be on your radar screen...but to ensure success, let's begin with prayer. Let's seek God's best in this, trusting that the One who created us must know what that ONE thing is, that will impact most in 2012, for our best, others' benefit, and His glory.
3) Make sure it's measurable.
Whatever that one thing is you plan to focus on for 100 days, make sure you can measure how you're doing...not that it's the end all, be all, this measuring....but it will become frustrating to you in tracking your progress, if you cannot measure if you've hit the mark or not.
An example of a hard-to-measure-goal would be: "For 100 days, I choose to be especially kind to someone I find difficult to love." How do you measure it? The factors would depend not just on you, but on how the recipient is feeling, behaving, responding.... but a measurable goal would be: "For 100 days, I choose to restrict my comments to that difficult-to-love person to those that are kind, true and necessary." Or, "For 100 days, I choose NOT to say any disparaging remarks to said unlovable person." That is something you can measure.
4) Write it down.
And be ready to write it down daily. If you're not a writer, type it. If you are not a natural tracker, start. By day 45, you'll be so glad you tracked your progress, your consistency. It will show you, in your hand, that you CAN do this. You ARE going to finish strong, because you have proof that you have finished strong every day before....
Are you ready? Sunday is just around the corner....let's prepare well to begin well, so we end well.
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