As if she wasn't good enough.
As if it wasn't normal to claim some Truth of her own.
She doesn't SEEM like someone who would normally put Scripture next to her name.
And I sit in the seat of Judge because that's much more fun and easier than sitting in front of my own reflection wondering if I look any more normal.....
Does Jesus look any more normal on me?
The Magnificence of can He look normal on anything created? On anyone?
Am I willing to be not-normal to receive His presence?
Am I willing to risk the curled lip, the snarled thoughts, the judgments of others as they execute verdicts on whether my actions line up with my quoted verse of the day?
Isn't it all grace?
This life...this breath...these typed letters formed words.....the Word made flesh, living, rubbing shoulders with....the "normals"....
Isn't it all grace?
How can grace be anything but a lavish gift?And if a gift...then how can we say anything but "thanks" and do anything but live grateful?
"Do not hold your faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ with an attitude of personal favoritism." James 2:1
Favoritism is "normal"...Gratitude is grace.
All is grace. ALL. GRACE.
Fantastic message, Jody! Thank you! And welcome back! How I have missed your blogs!