Monday, November 8, 2010

To Give Thanks - A Perspective

I came home from work today frustrated by a turn of events that affected me indirectly. Situations that could have been altered or avoided had I done...more. Had someone done more. Inconveniences plagued me till I was worn out. Ready to throw in the towel. And it was barely noon.

Then I read of a girl whose "inconveniences" are tantamount to life-threatening situations and I was struck humbled and grateful that my day's events are only inconvenient and nothing more. I received a perspective on grace and gratitude. Compared to most, I should have NOTHING to share but praise...and thanks.

Giving thanks for just a few things today...


smell of coffee brewing while still in bed
great coworkers
answered need with a willing heart
sunshine warming me
"I so happy see you momma!"
wet kisses and fierce hugs
honest bed-time heart-cries
laughing hard
loads of dirty laundry with clothes to spare
finding a family to help in secret
social networking at its finest - to quickly encourage across miles
baby's normal bodily functions
health during flu season
dear hubby caring for our basic needs without complaint
brilliant gift ideas
finished tasks
team work
great deals and exact finds
paying cash for saved items
sleeping past 7:00am
working heater
cotton-candy clouds
dancing leaves in the air

Now its your turn...what are you thankful for today?

holy experience

1 comment:

  1. my family:)
    my friends
    work-both of them
    coffee with peppermint creamer*yum*
    roof over my head
    good conversation
    jumping in leaf piles
