Friday, August 6, 2010

Have Mercy

This summer has been busy for us as a family. I think July was by far the fastest month on record for us. It was the end of June and then it was the end of July and somewhere in there were three weeks of action-packed fun as we visited family and friends. I'll post pictures later of the highlights. In the middle of all our fun there have been moments of heartache as well. Nothing huge or magnificent in the grand scale of life, but huge to us. A big deal to us.
One particular ache has been gnawing away at me and dear hubby for a while now and it is slowly coming to a head. Yesterday was a day of movement and it caused me to drop to my knees again and beg for mercy. For understanding. For some relief. And then I was reading a blog post by a wonderful lady named Edie. She lives in Tennessee and has the most lovely blog full of rich authenticity in the everyday-ness of life, homeschooling her girls and decorating her house and feeding her family. Its a great read if you need some light-hearted reality. Anyway, a friend of hers lost her father this week after battling illness far too long. You know how that goes, I'm sure. You are so thankful that its finally over, sad at your own loss of relationship, grateful your loved one is in heaven...anyway, Edie posted a prayer from the Lutheran book of prayer that caught my breath in my throat and made the tears come so quick I could barely read the words.
I don't know how you feel about saying pre-written prayers, but this one...its worth an open heart. Because here's the thing: we all have private pain. We all have something that is making our heart ache. It's not singled out to one or two people. Its universal. And you know what the good news is? So is God. He is universal. He is all-powerful. He is all-strong. He is all-wise. He is all-loving. And He sees you. He. Sees. You. He sees me. He sees our pain. And He cares. And He is actively working on our behalf to turn that pain to good. For His ultimate glory and our ultimate best. Win-win. Anyway, I'm babbling. Here's the prayer:
from the Lutheran prayer book:
Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.
Merciful Father, You know how difficult these days are for me. In Your holy Word, You have promised to hear those who cry unto You in the day of trouble. Listen to my cries for mercy and send help from the sanctuary of Your grace.
Preserve me from bitterness of spirit, and rescue me from every temptation to despair. Calm my frustrations with the knowledge that my life is secure in Your redeeming love, for I am baptized into the death and resurrection of Your Son. Draw me out of self centered worry, which stifles faith, and cause me to take comfort in the Gospel. Sustain and strengthen me under every cross and affliction, that Your grace might be made perfect in my weakness.
Give me confidence to pray without losing heart and to trust in Your mighty deliverance according to Your good and gracious will.
Father, into Your hands I commend myself. Hear me, for the sake of Your Son, who alone is my Brother and Savior.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Jody for passing along this prayer. My friend with MS had another major surgery this summer and her recovery is slow and fraught with complications due to the MS being in control of her body. Her faith-walk is strong, but even she falls into pits of despair and frustration over her lack of control with her body's function. I am a fan of Edie's "life in grace" blog too... love their new home and simpler lifestyle.

