You might remember a couple months ago I gave a link to an article written on the Caroline's Promise News blog regarding the World Cup. And really, it was a link within a link, because even on the CP News blog you had to go to another site to actually read the article. The article was about the World Cup and how it was estimated that 40,000 prostitutes were descending on the area to recruit young boys and girls into prostitution via sex trafficking.
Up until now, I was all about some discretion on my blog...I don't know what little eyes might be innocently reading these posts and didn't want to disturb a young viewer. But here's the thing: IT IS DISTURBING. And as the World Cup is under way, I cannot help be reminding that behind the scenes (sometimes literally!) and the screaming fans and vendors of all sorts, are vultures of the most evil kind, looking for innocents to prey on, to tug on their need for consistent food and income for their families by luring them into something that seems so promising. Something so very destructive.
South Africa is a LONG way from my home. If I don't turn on the TV or read the news I don't have to think about it. But see, I do know what's going on. And I am called to respond. So, dear friends, are you. How do we respond? Well, if you have lots of money and some time on your hands, I'm sure human trafficking relief organizations would love to get to know you. But an even more powerful way, one we can all participate in, is to pray. It seems so simple, so...uneventful. And yet, as a dear friend told me recently, "If we only realized the immense power wrapped up in prayer, our lives and those we pray for, would shake this world."
Let's shake this world friends....specifically, the World Cup. Let's pray against the evil that is hiding there, pray for the safety of innocent victims, and redemption for those already caught in evil's trap. Pray. Pray more. Pray every time you hear mention of the World Cup and every time it comes to your mind. Do not ignore the gentle whisper in your heart reminding you of what is happening around the globe.
You can make a difference today. It may not be till eternity that you realize the enormous impact made by prayer. Your prayer. Let's side with good today and not lend evil assistance by choosing to do nothing.
Father in Heaven,
You have ordained each life on this little planet. You see all; You know all. Beyond our understanding You allow things that horrify us, confuse us, and leave us begging for relief. Your Word tells us that You do not take pleasure in the death of evil people, but Your desire is that all should repent and be saved. So we pray for those malicious in destroying the lives of innocent children, that their hearts would be softened, that they would repent and turn. And we pray that they would be caught and stopped. We pray against the human trafficking specifically in South Africa right now. We ask that the local authorities would be aware and sensitive to situations that seem ulterior. We ask, in the name of Jesus, that You protect the children that also have descended on the World Cup, looking for a hand out or some food. May they not end up in the wrong hands, may the find a safe place for some nourishment. May South Africa's people take up for their own, care for their own, and share what they have with the needy. We ask, Father, that Your will be done in South Africa, as it is in Heaven; that You would not lead anyone into temptation, but deliver them from evil. We claim victory over the World Cup this day. In the Name above all Names, we claim the victory that is through Your Son, Jesus; that today, the enemy loses the battle on human trafficking; today he is defeated in gaining even one more lost soul to destruction. You, O Lord, are all-powerful, and You, O Lord, are all-loving. Save Your children. Protect them now. Show us what we are to do, to partner with You in this evil too long left at bay. We ask in the name of Jesus...So be it.
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